Prof. Yanwar Pribadi, Ph.D
Prof. Yanwar Pribadi, Ph.D is the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII). He is also a lecturer at Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin State Islamic University of Banten. He holds an MA and a PhD from Leiden University.
He is the author of Islam, State and Society in Indonesia: Local Politics in Madura (Routledge, 2018) and journal articles in TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia; Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs; Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde; South East Asia Research; American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences; Studia Islamika; Al-Jami’ah: Journal of Islamic Studies; Journal of Indonesian Islam; two edited volumes published by ISEAS-Yusof Ishak Institute; and Encyclopaedia of Islam Three (Brill). His research interests include contemporary political Islam, urban Muslims’ expressions, citizenship, rural politics, religious networks, identity politics, and contemporary Islamic history. He was a visiting fellow at KITLV; SOAS, University of London; and Alwaleed Centre for the Study of Islam in the Contemporary World at the University of Edinburgh
Sekolah Islam (Islamic Schools) as symbols of indonesia’s urban muslim identity. TRaNS: Trans-Regional and -National Studies of Southeast Asia. (2022)
Polite citizenship everyday informal claims-making in rural west java, indonesia. Bijdragen Tot De Taal-, Land- En Volkenkunde. (2022)
Indonesia’s Islamic Networks in Germany: The Nahdlatul Ulama in Campaigning Islam Nusantara and Enacting Religious Agency (2022)
Kosmetika, Kecantikan dan Kesalehan: Studi Tentang Gaya Hidup Halal Perempuan Muslim Kelas Menengah di Indonesia (Jakarta dan Banten) (2020)
Merawat Kesalehan Umat: Buletin Jumat dalam Dinamika Paham Keagamaan (2019)
Indonesian Religious Communities in Europe:The Nahdlatul Ulama and Other Muslim Groups in Search of Influence (2019)
Islamic Commodification in Market Economy: A Political Anthropology Study on the Politicsof Urban Muslims in Banten (2018)
Islamic Identity Politics in Serang: The Relationship Between Islamic Schools and Urban Muslims (2017)
Village Politics in West Java: Study on Islamic Coexistences and Local Cultures (2015)