Dr. Ayang Utriza Yakin
Ayang Utriza Yakin is a lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Studies, Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII). After being trained at Islamic boarding schools for six years, learning traditional Islamic sciences, he received his BA in Islamic law from the Faculty of Sharia and Law, the State Islamic University “Syarif Hidayatullah” Jakarta, in 2001, and studied at the Faculty of Sharia, the Al-Azhar University, Cairo, 2001-2002. He obtained an MA (2005) and PhD (2013) in history and philology from Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, France. Yakin has been a visiting scholar and postdoctoral researcher at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS), the University of Oxford (2012), the Islamic Legal Studies Program (ILSP), Harvard University (2013), the International House of Japan, Tokyo (2016), the Catholic University of Louvain (2016-2019), and SciencesPo Bordeaux (2021-2023). He was a visiting professor in Arabic and Islamic studies at Ghent University (2019-2021) and in Islamic law at the UCLouvain (2022-2024).
He has published five books in Indonesian and (co-)authored many articles and book chapters in French, English, Arabic, and Indonesian. Yakin’s recent publications include Rethinking Halal: Genealogy, Current Trends, and New Interpretation (Brill, 2021, co-ed.), Islamic Divorce in the Twentieth-First Century: A Global Perspective (Rutgers University Press, 2022, co-ed.), Shame, Modesty, and Honor in Islam (Bloomsbury, 2024, co-ed.), and Histoire, Société et études islamiques au 21e siècle (De Gruyter, 2024, co-ed.). His articles have been published in journals, such as Islamic Law and Society, Journal of Law, Religion and State, Indonesia and the Malay World, South East Asia Research, Clio@Themis, Revue électronique d’histoire du droit, Revue Historique de Droit Français et Étranger, Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses/Louvain Journal of Theology and Canon Law, and Studia Islamika. He is now co-editing two volumes: Islam et Pudeur (Presses Universitaires de Louvain, under contract) and “Equality, Legal Pluralism, and Personal Status Law: A Research Companion” (Routledge, under contract) and some book chapters and articles (e.g. Oriente Moderno, forthcoming). He is now working on his monograph in French on a philological and historical study of the archives of the qadi of Banten in the 17th and 18th centuries (under contract with BRILL).