Faculty Members
All faculty members of Faculty of Islamic Studies, Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII) have actively participated in various academic forums and public lectures, and presented papers in workshops, seminars, colloquiums, and conferences in Indonesia and abroad.
They have also conducted and been involved in various sets of research organized by Indonesian and international institutions, including universities, state institutions, non-state organizations, and research bodies. They have all obtained their academic degrees from reputable universities all around the world, either in Western or Middle Eastern countries.
In addition, they have published books, papers, articles, book chapters, encyclopedia entries, and public opinion pieces in internationally recognized academic press, referred international journals, edited volumes, and websites and newspapers.
Owing partly to their active engagement in international academic forums, research activities, and publications, some of them have been awarded various achievements and awards.
Prof. Syamsul Rijal, Ph.D
Head of Ph.D. Program
Zezen Zaenal Mutaqin, S.J.D.
Head of MA Program
Bhirawa Anoraga, Ph.D
The Secretary of MA Program
Haula Noor, Ph.D
The Secretary of Ph.D Program
Dr. A. Mughzi Abdillah
Zacky Khairul Umam, Ph.D
Dr. Ahmad Hassan Waked
Dr. Ayang Utriza Yakin
Administration Staff
Fakhriyan Ardyanto, S.M
Administration Staff
Anindhita Timika Aryani, S.Kom.I., M.Sc
Administration Staff
Dzakiyyah Fauziyah Rif’at, M.Si
Administration Staff
M. Naufal Wiratama Azhari, S.H
Administration Staff