Dr. A. Mughzi Abdillah
Dr. Mughzi is a lecturer at the Faculty of Islamic Studies at the Indonesian International Islamic University (UIII). He earned his Master’s degree and completed his PhD program at Ankara University, Graduate School of Social Sciences, specializing in the Department of Tafsir. Before joining UIII, he served as a visiting lecturer at the Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University of Yogyakarta in the Post Graduate School Program and Faculty of Ushuluddin. His academic interests include Qur’anic hermeneutics, the classical and post-classical Tafsir tradition, Ottoman history, particularly in the 16th century, intertextual studies of the Qur’an, and Islamic thought. He has published numerous articles in English and Turkish within academic journals and books. Additionally, he has presented his work at various universities and educational institutes in Turkey and Germany. His forthcoming articles will explore Tafsir traditions in the classical period and the Ottoman era.
2017, Muḳatil b. Suleyman Tefsirinin İsrāiliyyāt Açısından İncelenmesi, Published Master Thesis, Graduate School of Social Science, Ankara University.
2019, “Muḳâtil b. Süleyman Tefsirinde İsrâiliyâta Dair Rivayetler,” in Halil Rahman Açar (ed.), Kur’an ve Yorumu – İlk Üç Yüzyıl, published by İlim Dallarının Düşünce Temellerini Araştırma Enstitüsü Yayını, Ankara.
2021, Afwan Faizin, Ali Mansur, Akhmad Mughzi Abdillah, “Islam, Human Rights and AKP (Adalet ve Kalkınma Partisi) in Turkey,” Ahkam Journal (Q1), 21/2, 2021.
2022, Ebussuûd Tefsirini Sosyokültürel Bağlamında Okumak (Zekât, Nikâh ve Hac Ayetleri Bağlamında), Published PhD Thesis, Graduate School of Social Science, Ankara University.